
Feat Category – Luck

Feat name Short description Rulebook
Advantageous Avoidance You have a knack for ducking at just the right ... Complete Scoundrel
Better Lucky than Good You can succeed where others would surely fail. Complete Scoundrel
Dumb Luck You can survive situations that should kill you. Complete Scoundrel
Fortuitous Strike You can hit a foe in just the right place. Complete Scoundrel
Good Karma You can use your luck to aid an ally--at the ... Complete Scoundrel
Healer's Luck Your spells can heal more damage. Complete Scoundrel
Lucky Break You can hit an object in just the right place. Complete Scoundrel
Lucky Catch Your good fortune can help prevent you from falling to ... Complete Scoundrel
Lucky Fingers The winds of fortune guide your hands when you most ... Complete Scoundrel
Lucky Start Sometimes your luck overcomes a slow natural reaction. Complete Scoundrel
Magical Fortune Even you are sometimes surprised by how well your spells ... Complete Scoundrel
Make Your Own Luck Your hard work lets you exploit minor loopholes. Complete Scoundrel
Miser's Fortune Items belonging to you and your allies are abnormally resistant ... Complete Scoundrel
Psychic Luck Some psions claim that luck doesn't exist. You know better. Complete Scoundrel
Sly Fortune Your luck helps you find the right place to move ... Complete Scoundrel
Survivor's Luck You can avoid situations that would surely affect others. Complete Scoundrel
Tempting Fate You are very hard to kill. Complete Scoundrel
Third Time's the Charm Your deity smiles upon you. Complete Scoundrel
Unbelievable Luck The powers of fortune truly smile on you more than ... Complete Scoundrel
Victor's Luck You strike with devastating accuracy more often. Complete Scoundrel

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