
Caligarde's Claw


Evocation [Force]
Level: Sorcerer 4, Wizard 4,
Components: V, S, M,
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)
Effect: Invisible claw of force
Duration: 1 round/level (D)
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: Yes

Caligarde's claw creates a Medium claw of invisible force at any spot you designate within the spell's range.
You can either send the claw to attack one specific target or order it to guard an area.
The claw's orders may be switched each round as a free action, if you so desire.
The claw has Strength 22, Dexterity 18, AC 16 (+4 Dex, +2 for invisibility), and hit points equal to one-half your full normal total.
It attacks at your base attack bonus, applying modifiers for its own statistics as appropriate (+6 for Str and +2 for invisibility).
It can make multiple attacks per round with a full attack action if your base attack bonus is high enough to allow it.
Since it counts as an invisible attacker, the target loses its Dexterity bonus (if any) to AC unless it has uncanny dodge.
A Caligarde's claw deals 1d6+6 points of damage with each successful attack.
The claw is corporeal and can be destroyed, which ends the spell.
Since it is invisible, any attacks made against it have a 50% miss chance.
If ordered to attack a single target, the claw moves from its current position toward the designated target at a speed of 90 feet, provided the target is within range of the sp ell.
It attacks on your turn and continues to attack until it or its target is destroyed, or the spell's duration ends, or you redirect it to a new target or to guard duty.
While it is assigned to attack a specific target, the claw cannot make attacks of opportunity.
If you order the claw to guard an area, it flies at a speed of 90 feet to any 5-foot square you designate within the spell's range and waits there.
While on guard duty, it does not attack on its own, but it makes attacks of opportunity whenever a foe performs an action that provokes such an attack within 5 feet of its position.
The claw functions as though it had the Combat Reflexes feat for this purpose, so it may make a total of five attacks of opportunity per round.
A claw in guard mode cannot take attack actions or full attack actions; it can only wait for an action that provokes an attack of opportunity.
Material Component: A small, dried claw from an animal.