

Spells in Nobility domain

Spell name Spell School Rulebook Effect Duration Range Components Casting Time
Command, Greater Enchantment PH 1 round/level
Demand Enchantment PH
Discern Lies Divination PH Concentration, up to 1 round/level Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) V, S, DF, 1 standard action
Divine Favor Evocation PH 1 minute Personal V, S, DF, 1 standard action
Enthrall Enchantment PH 1 hour or less Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level) V, S, 1 round
Geas/quest Enchantment PH 10 minutes
Magic Vestment Transmutation PH 1 hour/level Touch V, S, DF, 1 standard action
Repulsion Abjuration PH 1 round/level (D) Up to 10 ft./level V, S, AF, DF, 1 standard action
Storm of Vengeance Conjuration PH Concentration (maximum 10 rounds) (D) Long (400 ft. + 40 ft./level) V, S, 1 round