
Spells with Sonic descriptor

Spell name Spell School Rulebook Effect Duration Range Components Casting Time
Nightmare Lullaby Enchantment Gh Concentration + 2 rounds Long (400 ft. + 40 ft./level) V, S, 1 full round
Nightmare Lullaby Enchantment Sc_ 1 round/level Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level) V, S, 1 standard action
Orb of Sound Conjuration CAr Instantaneous Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) V, S, 1 standard action
Orb of Sound Conjuration Sc_ Instantaneous Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) V, S, 1 standard action
Orb of Sound, Lesser Conjuration CAr None None None
Painful Echoes Evocation CM 1 round/level Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) V, S, 1 standard action
Predator's Cry Necromancy FoW 1 round/level Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level) V, 1 swift action
Rebuke Conjuration OA 1d4+1 rounds Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level) V, DF, 1 action
Resonating Agony Evocation CM 1 round/level Touch V, S, 1 standard action
Resonating Bolt Evocation CAr Instantaneous 60 ft. V, S, 1 standard action
Resonating Bolt Evocation Sc_ Instantaneous 60 ft. V, S, 1 standard action
Resounding Thunder Evocation CM 5 rounds (D) Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level) V, S, 1 standard action
Resounding Voice Transmutation HB 1 minute/level (D) Touch S, 1 standard action
Reveille Necromancy Mag 1 round/level Touch V, S, 1 full round
Roar of the Waves Illusion Sto 1 round/level (D) Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) V, S, M, 1 standard action
Shatter Evocation PH Instantaneous Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) V, S, M, DF, 1 standard action
Shatterfloor Evocation Mag Instantaneous Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level) V, S, AF, 1 action
Shatterfloor Evocation Sc_ Instantaneous Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level) V, S, AF, 1 standard action
Shout Evocation PH Instantaneous 30 ft. V, 1 standard action
Shout, Greater Evocation PH 60 ft. V, S, AF,