
Low-light Vision

(Complete Arcane)

Level: Assassin 1, Ranger 1, Sorcerer 1, Wizard 1,
Components: V, M,
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Touch
Target: Creature touched
Duration: 1 hour/level
Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless)
Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)

The target creature gains low-light vision: the ability to see twice as far as a human in starlight, moonlight, torchlight, and similar conditions of poor illumination.
The target retains the ability to distinguish color and detail under these conditions.
Arcane Material Component: A small candle.

Also appears in

  1. Magic of Faerun
  2. Savage Species
  3. Unapproachable East
  4. Spell Compendium