Mountain Stance
(Spell Compendium, p. 144)Transmutation
Level: Druid 2, Sorcerer 2, Wizard 2,
Components: V, S,
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Touch
Target: One creature
Duration: 1 minute/level
Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless)
Spell Resistance: No
By calling upon the primordial powers of elemental earth, you complete the spell. A feeling of stubborn determination fills your soul until you touch the spell's intended recipient. You see then in that creature a hint of the same feeling of determination.
While this spell is in effect, the subject can root itself to the ground as a free action. The subject gains a bonus equal to your caster level against any attempts to grapple, lift, push, bull rush, overrun, throw, trip, or otherwise force the subject to move against its will through either physical or magical means. If at any point such an effort succeeds and the subject is forced to move, the spell ends immediately. Any voluntary movement on the subject's part does not end the spell (although a creature cannot be rooted while it moves), and the subject can "reroot" itself elsewhere in the same manner as described above.