Spells in Transmutation

Spell name Spell School Rulebook name
Enlarge Weapon Transmutation CS
Entangle Transmutation PH
Entangling Dragonmark Transmutation Dra
Entangling Scarf Transmutation CAr
Entangling Scarf Transmutation OA
Entangling Staff Transmutation CAd
Entangling Staff Transmutation Sc_
Erase Transmutation PH
Erupt Transmutation SK
Essence of the Dragon Transmutation RDr
Essence of the Raptor Transmutation Sc_
Ethereal Breath Transmutation Dr
Ethereal Breath Transmutation Sc_
Ethereal Jaunt Transmutation PH
Etherealness Transmutation PH
Etherealness, Swift Transmutation PH2
Evard's Menacing Tentacles Transmutation PH2
Evergreen Transmutation Fr
Exacting Shot Transmutation CAd
Exacting Shot Transmutation Sc_