Spore Field

(Complete Scoundrel)

Level: Druid 1, Ranger 2,
Components: V, S, DF,
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)
Area: 10-ft.-radius spread
Duration: 1 minute/level
Saving Throw: Fortitude partial; see text
Spell Resistance: No

The ground at which you point erupts with countless puffball mushrooms.
You cause the ground to become thick with spore-ridden fungus.
The area affected by this spell becomes difficult terrain.
Entering a square of difficult terrain costs 2 squares of movement, and creatures cannot charge or run through such squares (PH 148).
The uneven surface created by this spell also increases the DCs of Balance and Tumble checks by 5 and the DC of Move Silently checks by 2.
In addition, any creature that enters a square affected by this spell bursts several mushrooms, causing their choking spores to fill the air.
The spores render the creature sickened for 1 round (Fortitude negates).
Treat the spore cloud as an inhaled poison for the purpose of bonuses on the save or immunity to poison.
Entering more than one affected square during a turn doesn't force multiple saves.
You can cast spore field on any type of ground or flooring, regardless of the material that comprises it.