Summoning Wind

(Complete Arcane)

Level: Wu Jen 5,
Components: V, S,
Casting Time: 10 minutes
Range: 10 miles/level
Target: Up to 10 creatures/level
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No

You send a message or sound on the wind to a number of specific creatures that you identify while casting the spell.
You need not directly know the recipients, but you must be able to distinguish them by their location, position, or some feature other than race or character class.
For example, you could send a summoning wind to the soldiers of your palace guard or to the governors of all the provinces in the empire, provided you know that such characters exist.
You can prepare the spell to bear a message of up to twenty-five words, cause the spell to deliver any other normal sounds for 1 round, or merely have a summoning wind seem to be a mysterious stirring of the air.
The wind travels to each recipient provided that it can find a way from you to their locations (the wind can travel around virtually any obstacle, but can't pass through closed portals or windows, regardless of whether they're airtight).
You choose its speed (from as slow as 1 mile per hour to as fast as 1 mile per 10 minutes), but the summoning wind is as gentle and unnoticed as a zephyr until it reaches the recipients, where it delivers its whisper-quiet message and dissipates.
As with magic mouth, a summoning wind cannot speak verbal components, use command words, or activate magical effects.

Also appears in

  1. Oriental Adventures