Tumble (DEX; Trained only; Armor check penalty)

(Oriental Adventures variant, p. 58)


Included here are new uses of the Tumble skill. Player's should refer to the description of the Tumble skill stated in the Player's Handbook for full detail about this skill.

Extreme Tumbling: Characters who are excellent at tumbling can accomplish remarkable feats of acrobatics with a very high Tumble check result:

DC Task
30 Treat a fall as if it were 20 feet shorter when determining damage.
35 Stand up from prone as a free action (instead of a move-equivalent action).
40 Move 10 feet as a "5-foot step," while also performing a full-round action during the round (such as a full attack). In melee, you might do a back flip over your opponent's head to get on his other side. This move never provokes an attack of opportunity—it is exactly equivalent to a 5-foot step, except for the distance covered.
45 Treat a fall as if it were 30 feet shorter when determining damage.
50 Climb to a height of up to 20 feet (as part of normal movement) by jumping and bouncing off walls or trees. You must have at least two vertical surfaces to bounce off, and the two must be within 10 feet of each other.
60 Treat a fall as if it were 40 feet shorter when determining damage. (There is no limit to the distance a character with Tumble can fall without being hurt. Increase the DC by 15 for each additional 10 feet of falling.)

A character with 15 or more ranks in Tumble gains a +4 dodge bonus to AC when executing the fight defensively standard or full-round action, instead of a +2 bonus (or the +3 bonus from having 5 or more ranks).

A character with 15 or more ranks in Tumble gains a +8 dodge bonus to AC when executing the total defense standard action, instead of a +4 bonus (or the +6 bonus from having 5 or more ranks).

Also appears in

  1. Player's Handbook v.3.5

Required for feats

Feat name
Swift Tumbler
The Gentle Way Mastery
Tumbling Crawl
Tumbling Feint
Twisted Charge
Underfoot Combat
Up the Hill
Walk the Walls