Hide (DEX; Armor check penalty)
(Player's Handbook v.3.5 variant, p. 76)
Use this skill to sink back into the shadows and proceed unseen, to approach a wizard's tower under cover of brush, or to tail someone through a busy street without being noticed.
Usually none. Normally, you make a Hide check as part of movement, so it doesn't take a separate action. However, hiding immediately after a ranged attack (see Sniping, above) is a move action.
If you are invisible, you gain a +40 bonus on Hide checks if you are immobile, or a +20 bonus on Hide checks if you're moving.
If you have the Stealthy feat, you get a +2 bonus on Hide checks.
A 13th-level ranger can attempt a Hide check in any sort of nat-ural terrain, even if it doesn't grant cover or concealment. A 17th-level ranger can do this even while being observed (see page 48).
Required for feats
Feat name |
Able Sniper |
Cloak Dance |
Crowd Tactics |
Cunning Evasion |
Fade into Violence |
Gloom Razor |
Sand Camouflage |
Scorpion's Instincts |
Self-Concealment |
Shadow Striker |
Shifter Stealth |
Shrouded Dance |