(Dungeon Master's Guide v.3.5, p. 224)
Price: +1 bonus
Property: Weapon
Caster Level: 8th
Aura: Moderate; Conjuration
Activation: —
A bane weapon excels at attacking one type or sybtype of creature. Against its designated foe, its effective enhancement bonus is +2 better than its normal enhancement bonus (so a +1 longsword is a +3 longsword against its foe). It deals an extra 2d6 points of damage against the foe. Bows, crossbows, and slings so crafted bestow the bane quality upon their ammunition. To randomly determine a weapon's designated foe, roll on the following table.
d% | Designated Foe |
01-05 | Aberrations |
06-09 | Animals |
10-16 | Constructs |
17-22 | Dragons |
23-27 | Elementals |
28-32 | Fey |
33-39 | Giants |
40 | Humanoids, aquatic |
41-42 | Humanoids, dwarf |
43-44 | Humanoids, elf |
45 | Humanoids, gnoll |
46 | Humanoids, gnome |
47-49 | Humanoids, goblinoid |
50 | Humanoids, halfling |
51-54 | Humanoids, human |
55-57 | Humanoids, reptilian |
58-60 | Humanoids, orc |
61-65 | Magical beast |
66-70 | Monstrous humanoids |
71-72 | Oozes |
73 | Outsiders, air |
74-76 | Outsiders, chaotic |
77 | Outsiders, earth |
78-80 | Outsiders, evil |
81 | Outsiders, fire |
82-84 | Outsiders, good |
85-87 | Outsiders, lawful |
88 | Outsiders, water |
89-90 | Plants |
91-98 | Undead |
99-100 | Vermin |
Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Armor , Summon Monster I .
Cost to Create: Varies.