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Name Cost Slot/Property Rulebook name
Absorbing Shield 50,170 gp
Armor or shield DMG
Acidic +1 bonus Armor or shield MIC
Agility 500 gp
Armor MIC
Agility, Greater 8,000 gp
Armor MIC
Agility, Improved 4,000 gp
Armor MIC
Amulet of Health +2 4,000 gp
Throat DMG
Amulet of Health +4 16,000 gp
Throat DMG
Amulet of Health +6 36,000 gp
Throat DMG
Amulet of Might Fists +1 6,000 gp
Throat DMG
Amulet of Might Fists +2 24,000 gp
Throat DMG
Amulet of Might Fists +3 54,000 gp
Throat DMG
Amulet of Might Fists +4 96,000 gp
Throat DMG
Amulet of Might Fists +5 150,000 gp
Throat DMG
Amulet of Natural Armor +1 2,000 gp
Throat DMG
Amulet of Natural Armor +2 8,000 gp
Throat DMG
Amulet of Natural Armor +3 18,000 gp
Throat DMG
Amulet of Natural Armor +4 32,000 gp
Throat DMG
Amulet of Natural Armor +5 50,000 gp
Throat DMG
Amulet of Proof against Detection and Location 35,000 gp
Throat DMG
Amulet of the Planes 120,000 gp
Throat DMG