Enlarge Supernatural Ability

( Tome of Magic, p. 73)


You can increase the range of a supernatural attack.


4 HD, supernatural ability,


Once per day, you can enlarge a supernatural ability. When you use an enlarged supernatural ability, its range increases by 100%. You must declare use of this feat before you use the ability. A continuous use ability (such as a gaze attack) can only be enlarged for 1 round. Enlarging a supernatural ability does not require a separate action. This feat does not affect the length of a line or a cone, the diameter of an emanation (such as a gaze attack or frightful presence), or the range of any supetnatural ability not defined by distance.


This feat can be taken multiple times. Each time it is taken, you can enlarge a supernatural ability one additional time per day. You cannot enlarge a particular use of a supernatural ability more than once.