Quori Dread

( Secrets of Sarlona, p. 118)

[Fighter Bonus Feat, Psionic, Racial]

You can unsettle an enemy, filling his mind with whispers of nightmare drawn from Dal Quor.


Chosen, kalashtar, or Inspired,

Required for

Insidious Terror (SoS) ,


You have the ability to demoralize a single opponent within 120 feet of you. This is a move action that does not provoke attacks of opportunity. Your victim takes a -1 morale penalty on attack rolls and damage rolls when he targets you. The effect lasts until you select a new target or until your victim moves out of range.

This is a mind-affecting fear effect.


A Chosen, Inspired, or kalashtar fighter can select Quori Dread as one of her fighter bonus feats.