Confound the Big Folk

( Races of the Wild, p. 153)


You excel when battling foes bigger than you are.


Underfoot Combat (RW) , Tumble 10 ranks, Small or smaller,


This feat allows you to perform any of the following three maneuvers. Knee Striker: To use this maneuver, you must first move into a square occupied by a foe at least two size categories larger than you. On the next round, the foe is automatically considered flat-footed against your attacks, and you gain a +4 bonus on any roll you make to confirm a critical hit. Underfoot Defense: To use this maneuver, you must first move into a square occupied by a foe at least two size categories larger than you. On any succeeding round in which you remain in the foe's square and fight defensively, use total defense, or use Combat Expertise (minimum -1 penalty on attack rolls), any melee or ranged attack made against you has a 50% chance to strike the foe whose square you occupy instead. This chance does not apply to attacks made by the creature whose square you occupy. Unsteady Footing: To use this maneuver, you must first move into a square occupied by a foe at least two size categories larger than you. On the next round, you can use a standard action to attempt to trip your foe without provoking attacks of opportunity. If your touch attack to initiate the trip attack succeeds, you can attempt a Strength or Dexterity check (your choice) opposed by your foe's Strength or Dexterity check (as normal) to trip your foe. Your foe may not add any bonus on his Strength or Dexterity check to avoid the trip that he would gain from his size. If your trip check fails, your opponent may not attempt to trip you. If you have Improved Trip, you can follow a successful trip attempt with an immediate melee attack.