Exotic Shield Proficiency

( Races of Stone, p. 139)

[Fighter Bonus Feat, General]

Choose an exotic shield, such as a gauntlet shield or battle cloak. You are profi cient with that type of exotic shield.


base attack bonus +1, Shield Profi ciency,


You are profi cient with a specifi c type of exotic shield and take no shield nonprofi ciency penalties when you wear it (see Table 7-2: Armor and Shields, page 158).


As a variant rule, the DM can allow fi ghters to choose one free Exotic Shield Profi ciency feat instead of the Tower Shield Profi ciency feat they receive at 1st level. A fighter may select Exotic Shield Proficiency as one of her fighter bonus feats (see page 38 of the Player's Handbook).


A character who is using a shield with which she is not profi cient applies its armor check penalty on attack rolls and on all Strength- and Dexterity-based ability checks and skill checks.