Eldritch Linguist

( Races of Faerun, p. 162)


You have a deep understanding of how words themselves have their own kind of magic, and a mastery of the secret syntax of power.


ability to cast divine spells, Illuskan human,


You gain +1 caster level when casting a spell from the list below. The tradition of the eldritch linguist consists of the following spells at the appropriate levels: 0--read magic; 1st--command, comprehend languages; 2nd--speak with animals, whispering wind; 3rd--bestow curse, explosive runes, glyph of warding, speak with dead, speak with plants; 4th--dismissal, sending, shout, tongues; 5th--atonement, greater command, hallow; 6th--greater glyph of warding, word of recall; 7th--blasphemy, dictum, holy word, power word stun, word of chaos; 8th--power word blind, symbol; 9th--power word kill.