Smite Fiery Foe

( Frostburn, p. 50)


You can smite creatures with thefiresubtype.


Smite ability,


Once per day, you may attempt to smite a creature with thefiresubtype with a normal melee attack. When you activate this ability, your attack becomes infused with cold energy. You add your Charisma modifi er to your attack roll and deal 1 extra point of cold damage per character level. If you smite a creature that does not have thefiresubtype, the blast of cold does not manifest and the smite attempt is used up for that day. Remember that creatures with thefiresubtype take half again as much (+50%) damage as normal from cold, including the additional damage dealt by this ability. You may swap out any daily uses of a smite ability gained by a character class or cleric domain to smite fiery foes instead.