Quicken Dragonmark

( Dragonmarked, p. 143)


You can use your dragonmark powers more quickly.


Least Dragonmark,


You can use the spell-like abilities of your least dragonmark as a swift action, as if casting a quickened spell. All spell-like abilities of your least dragonmark are quickened should you have more than one (for instance, if you have two levels in the dragonmark heir prestige class or the Dragonmark Prodigy feat).


You must carry a Siberys shard attuned to your dragonmark, worth at least 50 gp, for this ability to function.

You can select this feat multiple times. To take this feat a second time, you must have the Lesser Dragonmark feat and to take it a third time, you must have the Greater Dragonmark feat. The second time you select it, you can quicken the spell-like abilities of your lesser dragonmark. The third time you select it, you can quicken the spell-like abilities of your greater dragonmark. Siberys marks and aberrant dragonmarks are unaffected by this feat.

Also appears in

  1. Magic of Eberron