Dragonmark Smite

( Dragonmarked, p. 139)


Your dragonmark strengthens your smite ability.


Ability to make a smite attack, any true dragonmark.,


When you successfully smite a foe, you can spend 1 action point to force the target to make a Fortitude
save (DC 10 + 1/2 your character level + your Cha modifier). The decision to spend the action point is made after the attack is resolved. If the save fails, the target suffers one or more additional effects, as determined by the strength of your dragonmark.

Dragonmark Additional Smite Effects
Least Target dazed for 1 round
Lesser Target knocked prone and dazed for 1 round
Greater or Siberys Target knocked prone and rendered unconscious for 1 minute

In addition, your smite attack deals an extra 1 point of damage for each level you have in the dragonmark heir prestige class or the heir of Siberys prestige class.