Silver Blood

( Champions of Valor, p. 33)


You have magically or alchemically imbued your fl esh and blood with silver, making you resistant to lycanthrope attacks.


Base Fortitude save +2,


You cannot be infected with lycanthropy. Any lycanthrope that bites you must make a Fortitude save (DC 10 + 1/2 your Hit Dice + your Con modifier) or take damage equal to your Constitution modifi er (minimum 1 point). This damage is treated as silver for the purpose of overcoming a lycanthrope's damage reduction.


If you are already an affl icted lycanthrope, the DCs for your Control Shape checks increase by 5 and you lose your lycanthrope damage reduction. If you are already a natural lycanthrope, you must make a DC 15 Control Shape check to change form and your lycanthrope damage reduction decreases to 5/silver.