Feats in Champions of Valor ‹‹ prev 1 2 next ›› Feat name Rulebook Broken One's Sacrifice CV Carmendine Monk CV Defender of the Homeland CV Detect Shadow Weave User CV Druuth Slayer CV Duerran Metaform Training CV Duerran Stealth Training CV From Smite to Song CV Initiate of Anhur CV Initiate of Arvoreen CV Initiate of Baravar Cloakshadow CV Initiate of Eilistraee CV Initiate of Horus-Re CV Initiate of Milil CV Initiate of Nobanion CV Initiate of the Holy Realm CV Initiate of Torm CV Initiate of Tymora CV Knight of the Red Falcon CV Knight of the Risen Scepter CV ‹‹ prev 1 2 next ››