Feat Category – Initiate

Feat name Rulebook
Arcane Insight RD
Dread Tyranny RD
Eternal Strength RD
Far Horizons RD
Initiate of Aasterinian DM
Initiate of Amaunator PF
Initiate of Anhur CV
Initiate of Arvoreen CV
Initiate of Astilabor DM
Initiate of Bahamut DM
Initiate of Baravar Cloakshadow CV
Initiate of Eilistraee CV
Initiate of Falazure DM
Initiate of Garyx DM
Initiate of Ghaunadaur CR
Initiate of Gruumsh CR
Initiate of Hlal DM
Initiate of Horus-Re CV
Initiate of Ilmater PG
Initiate of Io DM