
(Complete Adventurer variant, p. 56)

Maesters are the master crafters of the gnome world, combining technical and magical expertise to create incredible marvels. They specialize in the creation of magic items, bending all their skill and ability toward the construction of items that are their art and livelihood.

Maesters are usually wizards, although sorcerers occasionally take up the class. Some bards also have been known to become maesters, but typically not until they have spent a number of years adventuring.


Skills: Craft (any) 8 ranks , Use Magic Device 4 ranks

Race: Gnome.
Feats: Any two item creation feats.
Spells: Arcane caster level 5th.

Hit die


Skill points

4 + Int

Class Features


Class skills

Skill name Key ability Trained only Armor check penalty
Appraise INT no no
Concentration CON no no
Craft INT no no
Disable Device INT yes no
Knowledge (arcana) INT yes no
Knowledge (architecture and engineering) INT yes no
Spellcraft INT yes no
Use Magic Device CHA yes no

Spells for Maester