

Magic Item
(Magic of Eberron, p. 109)

Price: 13,000 gp
Body Slot:
Caster Level: None
Aura: None;
Weight: — lb.

Cannith goggles are round, translucent lenses made of magically hardened glass stained a light shade of orange. The goggles are mounted in a fl exible metal frame that is affi xed to your face by a soft leather strap that clasps behind your head.

Activation: Cannith goggles provide their most basic functions
when worn by any character. In addition, if you are an
artifi cer and wearing the goggles, you are able to use your
infusions to power them, enhancing their vision-based
benefi ts according to the level of the infusion used. Using
an infusion to power the Cannith goggles requires 10 minutes
and the expenditure of an infusion of the level indicated
below. An infusion can power the goggles for 24 hours.
Effect: The goggles give you a +5 competence bonus
on Search and Spot checks. If you power your Cannith goggles
with a 1st-level infusion, the goggles allow you to see more
clearly in dimly lit areas, as if you had low-light vision. If
you power your Cannith goggles with a 2nd-level infusion, you
gain low-light vision plus darkvision to a distance of 60 feet.
A 3rd-level infusion used to power the goggles provides lowlight
vision and darkvision to a range of 120 feet.

Cost to Create: 6,500 gp, 520 XP, 13 day(s).