

Magic Item
(Magic Item Compendium, p. 136)

Price: 3,200 gp
Body Slot: Feet
Caster Level: 5th
Aura: None;
Activation: Swift (command)
Weight: 1.0 lb.

These comfortable boots are made from soft doeskin.

Scouts (CAd 10) prize skirmisher boots, but
any character can use them to increase
combat prowess in a mobile battle. You
gain a +2 bonus on damage rolls when
you make a skirmish attack. This is a continuous
effect and requires no activation.
A character without the skirmish class
feature does not gain this benefi t.
In addition, you can activate skirmisher
boots to make a single extra melee or ranged
attack using your full base attack bonus.
You can only activate this ability if you
have already moved at least 10 feet from the
space where you started your turn. Movement
while mounted does not allow you
to activate the boots. This benefi t does not
require the skirmish class feature and can
be activated two times per day.

Cost to Create: 1600.