Ring of Clumsiness
Magic Item
(Dungeon Master's Guide v.3.5, p. 276)
Price: 500 gp
Body Slot: Ring
Caster Level: 15th
Aura: Strong; Transmutation
Activation: Immediate (mental)
Weight: — lb.
This ring operates exactly like a "ring of feather falling.":/items/dungeon-masters-guide-v35—4/ring-feather-falling—76/ However, it also makes the wearer clumsy. She takes a —4 penalty to Dexterity and has a 20% chance of spell failure when trying to cast any arcane spell that has a somatic component. (This chance of spell failure stacks with other arcane spell failure chances.)
Prerequisites: Forge Ring , Bestow Curse, Feather Fall .
Cost to Create: 250 gp, 20 XP, 1 day(s).