
Scribe Martial Script

( Tome of Battle: The Book of Nine Swords, p. 32)


You know the secret of creating martial scripts--small slips of paper into which you infuse your own martial power and skill. The user of a script you have created gains the ability to use a maneuver you know.


Crusader or swordsage level 1st,


You can infuse the knowledge of any maneuver you know into a martial script (see Martial Scripts, page 147). The market price of a martial script is equal to the initiator level x maneuver level x 50 gp. You must spend 1/25 of this market price in XP and use materials costing 1/2 the market e. Scribing a martial script takes one day for each 1,000 gp ol its market price. like a potion or scroll, a script can be used only once