
Improved Familiar

( Serpent Kingdoms, p. 146)


Refer to the Improved Familiar feat on page 200 of the Dungeon Master's Guide. In addition to those choices, the following familiars are available in a FORGOTTEN REALMS campaign. Improved familiars do not grant any special abilities to theri masters other than the Alertness feat, an empathic link, and hte ability to share spells with the familiar. Familiar --- Alignment --- Level. Jaculi(SK) --- Chaotic evil --- 5th. Lizard, spitting crawler(For) --- Neutral --- 3rd. Mlarraun(SK) --- Neutral --- 5th. Muckdweller(SK) --- Lawful evil --- 5th. Snake, deathfang(Rac) --- Neutral evil --- 9th. Snake, fl ying(Rac) --- Neutral --- 3rd. Snake, glacier(SK) --- Neutral --- 3rd. Snake, tree python(SK) --- Chaotic evil --- 3rd. Snake, whipsnake(SK) --- Neutral --- 3rd.


Also appears in

  1. Complete Scoundrel
  2. Complete Warrior
  3. Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting
  4. Races of Faerun
  5. Tome and Blood: A Guidebook to Wizards and Sorcerers