
Roots of the Mountain

( Races of Stone, p. 143)


You can channel energy to make yourself immovable.


Ability to rebuke earth creatures, stability racial trait,


As a standard action, spend one of your rebuke earth creatures attempts to root yourself to the spot where you stand. You automatically win an opposed Strength check when an opponent attempts to bull rush or trip you. A creature with the improved grab ability must move into your space to grapple you, since it cannot pull you into its space. If you are grappling, you automatically win an opposed grapple check when an opponent tries to move you. No spell or other effect can force you to move. If you become frightened or panicked, you experience the full effect of the fear but do not run away. You cannot move, even to make a 5-foot step, while this ability is in effect. This ability lasts for a number of rounds equal to your character level, but you can end it at any time as a free action.


You must be touching the ground to use this feat.