Warning: This is 3.0 Edition material. It is possible that there is more recent 3.5 Edition version.

Hin Wandermage

( Races of Faerun, p. 164)


You have a natural affinity for spells that take you from place to place.


Lightfoot halfling,


You gain +1 caster level when casting a spell that helps you travel. If you are a wizard, you may add a spell in your tradition to your spellbook for free when you become able to cast it. This does not count against the two free spells you add to your spellbook at each class level. The tradition of the Hin wandermage consists of the following spells at the appropriate levels: 0-- open/close; 1st--expeditious retreat, mount; 2nd--endurance; 3rd--fly, phantom steed, water breathing; 4th-- air walk, freedom of movement; 5th--ethereal jaunt, plane shift, teleport; 6th--find the path, transport via plants, wind walk, word of recall; 7th--refuge, shadow walk, teleport without error; 8th--etherealness; 9th--gate, teleportation circle.