
Sacred Radiance

( Player's Handbook II, p. 89)


You channel divine energy to fi ll the area around you with a soothing, gentle radiance.


ability to turn undead, Divine caster level 9th,


As a standard action, you can expend a turn undead attempt to bathe yourself in light. This light provides bright illumination in a 60-foot-radius emanation centered on you and an additional 60 feet of shadowy illumination beyond that area. The light moves as you move, keeping you at the center of its area. It temporarily negates areas of magical darkness created by spells of 3rd level or lower. Any non-evil creature within 60 feet of you gains a +2 morale bonus on saves against fear, poison, disease, and death effects. Evil creatures take a -2 penalty on saves against fear effects. This benefit lasts for 10 minutes.