

( , p. 40)


You're an expert at using weapons in a grapple.


Bugbear (the Earthfast Mountains), chitine (Underdark [Yathchol]), goblin (the Earthfast Mountains), half-elf (Dambrath or the Dragon Coast), halfl ing (Channath Vale), hobgoblin (the E arthfast Mountains), human (Anauroch, D ambrath, the Lake of Steam, or the Sword Coast), or planetouched (Chessenta), orc (Thesk),


You can use a light weapon to attack your opponent in a grapple with no penalty on the attack roll. In addition, you need not win a grapple check to draw a light weapon while grappling, although you still must use a move action to do so. If your base attack bonus is +6 or higher, you can make a full attack with a light weapon while grappling, provided that you already have your weapon drawn.


You may select this feat only as a 1st-level character. You may have only one regional feat.


A character in a grapple takes a -4 penalty on attack rolls when attacking the grappled opponent with a light weapon. A character in a grapple must win a grapple check in order to draw a weapon and cannot make a full attack in the round she does so.