
Foe Hunter

( , p. 38)


In a land threatened by fi erce raiders, you have learned to fi ght effectively against certain foes. You know their ways and how to beat them. Home Region --- Favored Enemy Cormyr --- Humanoids (goblinoid). Chult --- Humanoids (goblinoid). The Dragon Coast --- Dragons. The Galena Mountains --- Humanoids (goblinoid). Impiltur --- Demons. The Moonsea --- Humanoids (orc). The North --- Humanoids (orc). Samarach --- Yuan-ti. The Spine of the World --- Humanoids (orc) Tashalar --- Yuan-ti Thindol --- Yuan-ti


Dwarf (the Galena Mountains or the Spine of the World), half-elf (the Dragon Coast), halfl ing (the North), or human (Chult, Cormyr, Impiltur, the Moonsea, the North, Samarach, Tashalar, or Thindol),


You acquire a favored enemy. This benefi t functions like the ranger class feature of the same name, except that the exact type of creature you oppose is determined by your home region, according to the table above.

Also appears in

  1. Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting
  2. Ghostwalk