
Epic Counterspell

( , p. 135)


You can counterspell any number of spells each round.


Spellcraft 30 ranks, Combat Refl exes, I mproved I nitiative, Improved Counterspell, Q uick en S pell, R eactive Counter spell,


Any number of times per round, you can counterspell an opponent's spell even if you have not readied an action to do so. Such a counterspell doesn't count against your later actions for the round. You can even use this feat when fl at-footed.


This feat should be considered part of the epic bonus feat list for any class that grants access to spells of at least 6th level as part of normal (nonepic) class progression (such as bards, clerics, druids, sorcerers, and wizards), as well as for any prestige class that grants a "+1 level of existing class" spell progression at all levels.


Without this feat, a character must ready an action in each round that she wishes to use a counterspell. A character with the Reactive Counterspell feat can counterspell an opponent's spell if she hasn't readied an action, but only once per turn and not when fl at-footed.