
Neraph Charge

( Planar Handbook, p. 40)


You master the Limbo-native neraph martial art of motion camoufl age when you charge a foe.


Knowledge (the planes) 5 ranks, WIS 15,


You can charge in such a way as to fool your foe into believing that you are not moving closer, or moving closer too slowly to attack effectively. A victim of your Neraph Charge attack may not apply its Dexterity bonus to its Armor Class. All conditions that pertain when a foe cannot apply his Dexterity bonus to Armor Class also pertain to the Neraph Charge attack, if any (for instance, a sneak attack also could be made with this attack if you can make such an attack). Once you have used a Neraph Charge attack against an enemy (regardless of the attack's success), any later attempts to use Neraph Charge against that enemy in the same encounter automatically fail. Once a foe sees the attack in action against himself, the foe can discern it for what it is for the duration of that combat.


Neraph Charge has no effect against foes who can't see you.