
Quick Recovery

( Lords of Madness, p. 181)


It's hard to keep you down for long. You have a talent for shaking off effects that leave others unable to act.



Whenever you begin your turn stunned or dazed, you can make a new saving throw at the original DC of the effect that stunned or dazed you in an attempt to recover. Recovering from being stunned or dazed in this way is a move action. If the effect that caused you to become stunned or dazed did not allow a saving throw, you can recover by succeeding on a Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 HD or caster level of originator of effect + relevant ability modifi er, or Cha modifi er if there is not an obvious ability linked to the effect).


You are stunned or dazed as long as the effect calls for, and do not have an opportunity to recover early.