
Spectacular Death Throes

( Dragonlance Campaign Setting, p. 87)


Your body seethes with unchecked power, promising dire consequences to your killer.




Your draconian death throes are unusually powerful. When you die, your death throes have the following effect, based on your draconian race:

Baaz: You turn to stone the moment you die, as normal. However, on the round following your death, your statuelike corpse explodes in a blast of stony shards. All creatures within 20 feet are subject to a ranged attack (attack bonus +10) that deals 1d10 damage plus your Con modifier.

Kapak: Instead of melting into a pool of acid, your body explodes in a a 20-ft. burst that deals 4d6 points of acid damage (Reflex save [DC 10 + 1/2 HD + Con modifier] for half).

Bozak: Your exploding bones deal d6 damage in a 20-ft. burst (Reflex save [DC 10 + 1/2 HD + Con modifier] for half). Any creature failing their save is also knocked prone.

Sivak: You assume your slayer's form or burst into flame, as normal, but draw life energy from your slayer to do so. Your slayer gains 1 negative level per 2 levels or HD you have (Fort save [DC 10 + 1/2 HD + Con modifier] negates).

Aurak: You explode in a blast of magical energy as normal, except you deal 6d6 damage in a 20-ft. burst. In addition, for the next 5 rounds, you explode again on your turn, each time detonating in a spot 30 feet in a random direction from the last spot you exploded.