
Necromantic Bloodline

( Dragon Compendium)


One of your ancestors was an undead creature or possessed an unholy link with the undead brought on by frequent contact. While undead do not reproduce by normal means, their infectious taint might affect necromancers and others who deal regularly with the dead or undead. In rare instances a vampire or other undead might feed off a pregnant humanoid and in allowing her to five endow the unborn child with its foul nature.

Your physical characteristics might vary depending on the type ofundead creature from which you are descended, but you're likely to have pale or ashen skin and dark eyes and hair. The touch of undeath in a family almost exclusively comes from intelligent, corporeal undead. It takes powerful magic or extremely bizarre situations for creatures to gain this feat from unintelligent or incorporeal undead. The descendants of ghouls tend to be feral and constantly hungry. Those with ghast ancestors generally have a strong, unpleasant stench, and they often find it difficult to satiate their hunger. Lich-blooded characters value intelligence and generally have elitist personalities, often appearing gaunt and skeletal. Characters descended from mummies tend to have dull but focused personalities, and many have gaunt, dry skin. Descendants of vampires tend to have long canine teeth and commanding, seductive personalities. Wight-blooded characters tend to have clawlike fingernails and toenails, and lean, muscular bodies; they are generally hate-filled loners who hold grudges. Characters with the Necromantic Bloodline feat often favor wearing the blacks, whites, and grays of mourning.

Sorcerers with a touch of the undead in their family trees tend to concentrate, appropriately enough, on spells from the school of necromancy. Spells that allow the caster to control a creature's mind are popular among those descended from vampires.


Ability to cast arcane spells without preparation,


Your ancestry gives you a bonus spell known at each spell level, starting at 1st, from the following list.
2nd—Ghoul touch
3rd—Vampiric touch
5th—Dominate person
7th—Control undead
8th—Trap the soul
9th—Wail of the banshee


If a character takes this feat any time after 1st level and has already learned any of the spells on this list in the class to which she applies this feat, she gains no additional spells known at those spell levels. This restriction does not apply if she learned any of these spells as a member of another spellcasting class.

Characters with this feat cannot learn or cast spells of the conjuration (healing) subschool, and all such spells are removed from the spell lists of all their spellcasting classes.

A character may choose only one base bloodline feat.