
Fiendish Bloodline

( Dragon Compendium)


One of your distant ancestors was an evil outsider. The characteristics you display might depend in part on the kind of fiendish heritage you have. Many of your
bloodline are dark in coloration, although great variation can exist depending on your specific ancestry.
Evil outsiders such as demons and devils produce a surprisingly large number of offspring on the Material Plane. Their descendants are frequently (but not always) evil. Demon-blooded characters and others descended from beings native to the chaotic evil realms are usually chaotic themselves, and at their worst they can be prone to greedy or lustful behavior.

Those with devil blood, on the other hand, tend to be lawful. They have no compunctions about bending the rules as far as possible, but they rarely break them. Like their fiendish ancestors, devil-spawn are known for keeping their word.

Characters with fiendish blood often seem driven— even haunted—by the potential for evil within them, especially if they try to hold to a neutral or good path. They frequently adventure out of a restlessness caused by their own internal struggles, although sometimes they do so simply because they enjoy killing and adventuring provides a perfect outlet for that tendency. Such characters usually prefer spells of darkness and deception, even if they are good-aligned.


Ability to cast arcane spells without preparation,


Your ancestry gives you a bonus spell known at each spell level, starting at 1st, according to the following list.
1st—Protection from good
3rd—Sepia snake sigil
4th—Bestow curse


If a character takes this feat any time after 1st level and has already learned any of the spells on this list in the class that granted her access to this feat, she gains no additional spells known at those spell levels. This restriction does not apply if she learned any of these spells as a member of another spellcasting class.

Characters with this feat cannot learn or cast spells withthe good descriptor, and all such spells are removed from the spell lists of all their spellcasting classes.

A character may choose only one base bloodline feat.

Also appears in

  1. Races of Faerun