
Improved Weapon Familiarity

( Complete Warrior, p. 101)

[Fighter Bonus Feat, General]

You are familiar with all exotic weapons common to your people.


Base attack bonus +1,


You can treat all the exotic weapons associated with your race as martial weapons rather than as exotic weapons. A weapon is treated as being associated with a race if the race's name appears as part of the weapon's name, such as the elven thinblade (see Chapter 4 of this book) or the dwarven urgrosh.


A fighter may select Improved Weapon Familiarity as one of his fighter bonus feats.


Without this feat, you must select the Exotic Weapon Proficiency feat (or have the appropriate weapon familiarity as a racial trait) to eliminate the nonproficiency penalty you take when wielding an exotic weapon associated with your race.

Also appears in

  1. Races of Stone