
Node Store

( Champions of Ruin, p. 26)


You can store a prepared spell in a node to which you are attuned.


Node Spellcasting (CR) , Spellcaster Level 1,


Each time you take this feat, choose two spells of any level that you know and can cast. If you are a spellcaster who prepares spells, you can now prepare those two spells in addition to your normal spell complement as long as you are in a node to which you are attuned, just as if you had two extra spell slots per day. These extra prepared spells are stored in the node instead of in your mind. You can cast them normally while you are within that node, even if you have left the node and returned since storing them there. If you are a spellcaster who does not prepare spells, choose two spells that you know. You can now cast those two spells while in a node to which you are attuned as if you had two extra spell slots per day available. Each such slot can be used only to cast its designated spell; it cannot be used for any other spell (including the other spell designated with this feat). If you leave the node, these extra spell slots become unavailable to you, but you can use them again if you return, provided that you haven't already used them since the last time you rested. You do not need to designate a specifi c node in which to store your spells when you choose this feat, but you can have spells stored in only one node at a time. You can change the node in which your spells are stored by meditating for 1 hour inside the new node you have selected.


You can gain this feat multiple times. Each time you take the feat, it applies to two new spells.

Also appears in

  1. Underdark