
Feat Category – Heritage

Feat name Short description Rulebook
Draconic Resistance Your bloodline hardens your body against the energy type of ... Complete Arcane
Draconic Senses Your draconic blood grams you great sensory powers. Dragon Magic
Draconic Skin Your skin takes on the sheen, luster, and hardness of ... Complete Arcane
Draconic Vigor You gain some of the vitality of your draconic ancestry ... Dragon Magic
Earth Heritage You are descended from creatures native to the Elemental Plane ... Planar Handbook
Elemental Bloodline You have taken on some of the aspects of the ... Races of Faerun
Eyes of Light You can focus the holy power within you to create ... Races of Faerun
Fey Heritage You are descended from creatures native to the fey realms. ... Complete Mage
Fey Legacy The magical powers of your ancestors manifest in you. Complete Mage
Fey Power Your fey heritage augments the power of certain types of ... Complete Mage
Fey Presence You share your ancestors' knack for playing tricks on the ... Complete Mage
Fey Skin Your fey heritage guards you against all weapons except those ... Complete Mage
Fiendish Bloodline Some of your latent fiendish abilities, inherited from an unusually ... Races of Faerun
Fiendish Heritage You are descended from creatures native to the Lower Planes. ... Planar Handbook
Fiendish Heritage You are descended from creatures native to the Lower Planes. ... Complete Mage
Fiendish Legacy The magical powers of your ancestors manifest in you. Complete Mage
Fiendish Power Your fiendish heritage augments the power of certain types of ... Complete Mage
Fiendish Presence You share your ancestors' ability to tamper with the minds ... Complete Mage
Fiendish Resistance Your bloodline inures you against corrosion and fire. Complete Mage
Fire Heritage You are descended from creatures native to the Elemental Plane ... Planar Handbook