Feat Category – General
Feat name | Short description | Rulebook |
Heads Up | You are capable of using the gaze attacks of a ... | Dragon Compendium |
Healing Strike | Your dragonmark allows you to heal and fight at the ... | Dragonmarked |
Hear The Unseen | Your sense of hearing is so acute that you can ... | Complete Adventurer |
Heart of Incarnum | You tap into the power of your heart chakra to ... | Magic of Incarnum |
Heart of Siberys | You channel the power of your Siberys dragonmark to protect ... | Dragonmarked |
Heat Endurance | Either as a result of growing up in the waste, ... | Sandstorm |
Heat Tolerance | You are used to living in hot, humid conditions. | Shining South |
Heavy Armor Optimization | You have trained extensively in heavy armor, and you have ... | Races of Stone |
Heavyweight Wings | Your superior strength allows you to fl y while heavily ... | Races of the Dragon |
Heighten Spell-like ability | You can use a spell-like ability as if it were ... | Complete Arcane |
Heighten Turning | You can affect more powerful undead with your turning or ... | Libris Mortis: The Book of the Dead |
Heighten Turning | You can affect more powerful undead with your turning or ... | Ghostwalk |
Heretic of the Faith | You stray significantly from the teachings of your faith. | Power of Faerun |
Heroic Companion | Your luck extends to your companion creature. | Magic of Eberron |
Heroic Metamagic | In times of great need, you can call upon a ... | Races of Eberron |
Heroic Spirit | You have a larger reservoir of luck than the average ... | Eberron Campaign Setting |
Hibernate | When you sleep, you heal at an increased rate. | Dragon Compendium |
Hidden Talent | Your mind wakes to a previously unrealized talent for psionics. | Expanded Psionics Handbook |
Highborn Drow | You have learned how to tap into the advanced magical ... | Underdark |
Hindering Opportunist | When you have a chance to strike a distracted foe, ... | Player's Handbook II |