Wizard level 7 spells

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Spell name Spell School V S M AF DF XP Rulebook name Edition
Sword of Darkness Necromancy yes yes yes no no no Spell Compendium Supplementals (3.5)
Symbol of Stunning Enchantment no no no no no no Player's Handbook v.3.5 Core (3.5)
Symbol of Weakness Necromancy no no no no no no Player's Handbook v.3.5 Core (3.5)
Symphonic Nightmare Enchantment yes yes no yes no no Spell Compendium Supplementals (3.5)
Synostodweomer Transmutation yes yes no no no no Spell Compendium Supplementals (3.5)
Teleport Object Conjuration no no no no no no Player's Handbook v.3.5 Core (3.5)
Teleport, Greater Conjuration no no no no no no Player's Handbook v.3.5 Core (3.5)
Teleport, Mass Transmutation yes yes no no no no Magic of Faerun Forgotten Realms (3.0)
Teleport, Mass Transmutation yes yes no no no no Tome and Blood: A Guidebook to Wizards and Sorcerers Supplementals (3.0)
Tomb of Light Transmutation yes yes yes no no no Book of Exalted Deeds Supplementals (3.5)
Transfix Enchantment yes yes yes no no no Spell Compendium Supplementals (3.5)
Truename Binding Conjuration yes yes no no no yes Tome of Magic Supplementals (3.5)
Unicorn Heart Transmutation yes yes no no no no Complete Mage Supplementals (3.5)
Vipergout Conjuration yes yes yes no no no Magic of Faerun Forgotten Realms (3.0)
Vipergout Conjuration yes yes yes no no no Forgotten Realms (3.5)
Vipergout Conjuration yes yes yes no no no Savage Species Supplementals (3.0)
Vision Divination yes yes yes no no yes Player's Handbook v.3.5 Core (3.5)
Vitrify Transmutation yes yes yes no yes no Sandstorm Supplementals (3.5)
Wall of Eyes Conjuration yes yes yes no no no Book of Vile Darkness Supplementals (3.0)
Waterspout Conjuration yes yes no no yes no Stormwrack Supplementals (3.5)

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