Shintao Monk
(Oriental Adventures variant, p. 46)
Shintao monks are dedicated to following the teachings of Shinsei, both to further their own quest for enlightenment and to continue his crusade against the evil of the Shadowlands.
Base Attack Bonus: +4
Alignment: Lawful Good
Skills: Knowledge (religion) 8 ranks
Special: Still mind class ability.
Hit die
Skill points
4 + Int
Class Features
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Shintao monks gain no additional weapon or armor proficiency. They suffer the same penalties for wearing armor that monks do.
Monk Abilities: A Shintao monk has the unarmed damage, AC bonus, and speed of a monk with as many levels as her Shintao monk levels plus her monk levels.
Add the Shintao monk's base attack bonus derived from monk levels to that derived from Shintao monk levels and consult the following table:
Base Attack Bonus | Additional Unarmed Attacks |
+0 | — |
+1 | — |
+2 | — |
+3 | — |
+4 | +1 |
+5 | +2 |
+6 | +3 |
+7 | +4/+1 |
+8 | +5/+2 |
+9 | +6/+3 |
+10 | +7/+4/+1 |
+11 | +8/+5/+2 |
+12 | +9/+6/+3 |
+13 | +10/+7/+4/+1 |
+14 | +11/+8/+5/+2 |
+15 | +12/+9/+6/+3 |
Touch the Void Dragon (Su): Once per day, a Shintao monk can raise one ability score by 1d4+1 points for a duration of 1 hour per level. This ability is similar to the spells bull's strength, cat's grace, and endurance, and to the effects of a potion of Intelligence, a potion of Wisdom, or a potion of Charisma.
Bonus Feat: At 1st level, and every two levels thereafter, a Shintao monk receives a bonus feat. This feat must be selected from the following list: Defensive Throw, Deflect Arrows (Grappling Block), Eagle Claw Attack, Expertise (Karmic Strike, Improved Disarm, Improved Trip, Defensive Strike, Superior Expertise, Whirlwind Attack), Fists of Iron, Great Throw, Improved Grapple (Choke Hold, Earth's Embrace), Stunning Fist (Falling Star Strike, Freezing the Lifeblood, Unbalancing Strike, Pain Touch).
Detect Taint (Sp): A Shintao monk of 2nd level or higher can use detect Taint as a spell-like ability, at will. Outside the featured campaign setting of Rokugan, the Shintao monk can use detect evil instead.
Smite Taint (Su): Once per day, a Shintao monk of 2nd level or higher may attempt to smite a Shadowlands opponent with one unarmed attack. She adds a +4 bonus on her attack roll and deals +1 point of damage per class level. A Shadowlands opponent is a monster with the Shadowlands descriptor or a character with a Taint score. If the monk accidentally smites a creature that is not Tainted, the smite has no effect but it is still used up for that day.
Outside the featured campaign setting of Rokugan, this ability applies to evil in general: The Shintao monk can smite any evil opponent.
Speak to the Soul (Sp): Once per day, a Shintao monk of at least 2nd level can use detect magic as if cast by a sorcerer of the Shintao monk's level.
Grasp the Earth Dragon (Ex): A Shintao monk of a least 3rd level is immune to stunning, sleep spells and effects, and slow spells and effects.
Purity of Shinsei (Sp): At 4th level, a Shintao monk can cause her entire body to become suffused with a heatless fire that sheds light as a light spell, as if cast by a sorcerer of the monk's level. The monk can use this ability once per level per day.
Channel the Fire Dragon (Sp): Once per day, a Shintao monk of 5th level or higher can use protection from elements (fire or cold only) as a sorcerer of the monk's character level.
Great Silence (Su): At 6th level, a Shintao monk gains a gaze attack. The Shintao monk can use this ability once per day, targeting one creature within 30 feet. When the monk's chosen target meets his gaze, the target must attempt a Will saving throw (DC 10 + monk's class level + monk's Charisma modifier). If the target fails this save, he is struck mute for 1 minute per level of the monk. A mute character cannot speak or cast spells with a verbal component.
Steal the Air Dragon (Sp): Once per day, a Shintao monk of at least 7th level can use improved invisibility as a sorcerer of the monk's character level.
Ancestral Guidance (Sp): At 8th level, a Shintao monk can use commune with greater spirit once per week, as a cleric of the monk's character level. She need not pay the XP component cost for the spell.
Ride the Water Dragon (Ex): At 9th level, a Shintao monk's wounds heal extraordinarily quickly. She recovers 1 hit point per level per hour, without needing to rest for the healing to take place.
Kukan-Do (Su): At 10th level, a Shintao monk gains a second gaze attack. The monk can use this ability once per day, targeting one creature within 30 feet. When the monk's chosen target meets her gaze, the target must attempt a Will saving throw (DC 10 + monk's class level + monk's Charisma modifier). If the target fails this save, he and the monk are locked in a kind of elemental stasis, preventing both of them from mustering their spiritual energies. Neither the target nor the monk can use any spells, spell-like abilities, or supernatural abilities. Either character can attack or use skills and exceptional abilities, including the monk's unarmed attacks and stunning attack.
Code of Conduct: Shintao monks must follow certain rules of life in order to maintain the purity of their souls and continue their advancement toward enlightenment. They are forbidden to eat meat (though they may eat fish), commit murder or theft, or marry. Shintao monks are expected to avoid causing violence, though circumstances can make that impossible. Gluttony and drunkenness are vices to be avoided, and holy places must be treated with respect. Shintao monks cannot accumulate wealth or become involved in politics. A Shintao monk who violates this code of conduct or strays from a lawful good alignment cannot gain new levels as a Shintao monk but retains all monk class abilities. Assuming he remains lawful, he can continue to advance in the monk class.
Level | BAB | Fort Save | Ref Save | Will Save | Special |
1st | +0 | +2 | +2 | +2 | Monk abilities, touch the Void dragon, bonus feat |
2nd | +1 | +3 | +3 | +3 | Detect Taint, smite Taint, speak to the soul |
3rd | +2 | +3 | +3 | +3 | Grasp the earth dragon, bonus feat |
4th | +3 | +4 | +4 | +4 | Purity of Shinsei |
5th | +3 | +4 | +4 | +4 | Channel the fire dragon, bonus feat |
6th | +4 | +5 | +5 | +5 | Great silence |
7th | +5 | +5 | +5 | +5 | Steal the air dragon, bonus feat |
8th | +6 | +6 | +6 | +6 | Ancestral guidance |
9th | +6 | +6 | +6 | +6 | Ride the water dragon, bonus feat |
10th | +7 | +7 | +7 | +7 | Kukan-do |
Class skills
Skill name | Key ability | Trained only | Armor check penalty |
Balance | DEX | ||
Climb | STR | ||
Concentration | CON | ||
Craft | INT | ||
Diplomacy | CHA | ||
Escape Artist | DEX | ||
Heal | WIS | ||
Jump | STR | ||
Knowledge (arcana) | INT | ||
Knowledge (architecture and engineering) | INT | ||
Knowledge (barbarian lore) | INT | ||
Knowledge (geography) | INT | ||
Knowledge (history) | INT | ||
Knowledge (local) | INT | ||
Knowledge (nature) | INT | ||
Knowledge (nobility and royalty) | INT | ||
Knowledge (religion) | INT | ||
Knowledge (Shadowlands) | INT | ||
Knowledge (spirits) | INT | ||
Knowledge (War) | INT | ||
Listen | WIS | ||
Perform | CHA | ||
Profession | WIS | ||
Scry | Int | ||
Spellcraft | INT | ||
Swim | STR | ||
Tumble | DEX |