
Luiren Marchwarden

(Shining South variant, p. 35)

The Luiren marchwarden is the defender of the frontier in the land of the halflings.


Base Attack Bonus: +4

Alignment: Any nonevil

Race: Halfling

Skills: Knowledge (Luiren local) 5 ranks , Knowledge (geography) 8 ranks

Feats: Alertness , Investigator , Track

Spells: Able to cast 1st-level divine spells.
Region: Luiren

Hit die


Skill points

6 + Int

Class Features

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: A Luiren marchwarden gains no proficiency with any weapons or armor.

March Bonus (Ex): A Luiren marchwarden gets a morale bonus on saves and to Armor Class whenever he is within the boundary of his march (see Sanctify March, below). He also gets this bonus on Hide, Knowledge (nature), Listen, Move Silently, Spot, and Survival checks while within his march. This bonus starts at +2 and improves with every odd marchwarden level, until it reaches +4 at 5th level.

Sanctify March (Ex): A Luiren marchwarden establishes a territory, called a march, which is his to defend against all threats. This march is an area 5 miles per marchwarden level in a radius from a central point—usually the center of a village or town, but sometimes an unusual place, such as a sacred grove or a waterfall. To consider a location for his march, a marchwarden must know the terrain exceptionally well (as indicated by the skill requirements for this class). While a marchwarden is within his sanctified march, he gains all the additional abilities and bonuses of the class as specified below.

If a Luiren marchwarden chooses to establish a new march, he must first create familiarity with the location by living there for a month. Once he has become accustomed to the area, the marchwarden can designate the locale as his march, but the benefits of the march are not fully vested immediately. The first week a Luiren marchwarden occupies his new march, he has only the benefits of a 1st-level marchwarden. During the second week, the benefits due a 2nd-level marchwarden activate, and so on each week, until the maximum benefits of the marchwarden's own level function. The moment a marchwarden establishes a new march, he loses all benefits in the old one.

Detect Evil (Sp): A Luiren marchwarden can use detect evil at will while inside the boundary of his sanctified march.

Share March Bonus (Ex): Beginning at 2nd level, a Luiren marchwarden can share the morale bonuses he gains from his march bonus ability with a single ally within 30 feet. Sharing the march bonus is a free action that can be performed at will, but a marchwarden must be able to see his ally at the time the ability is activated. The effect lasts until the target is out of range or until the Luiren marchwarden ends it as a free action.

Easy Trail (Su): From 2nd level on, any time a Luiren marchwarden is inside the boundary of his sanctified march, he can move through all types of terrain as though under the effects of an easy trail spell. This spell is found on page 46.

Safe Clearing (Sp): A 3rd-level and higher marchwarden gains the ability to use the spell safe clearing (see page 48) once per day. The effect is treated as if improved by the Widen Spell metamagic feat. A marchwarden must be within his march to use this ability, and he uses it at a caster level equal to twice his Luiren marchwarden level.

Dispel Evil (Sp): Once he reaches 4th level, a Luiren marchwarden inside the boundary of his sanctified march can use dispel evil once per day. His caster level is equal to twice the character's Luiren marchwarden level.

Land Womb (Sp): A 4th-level Luiren marchwarden gains the ability to use the spell land womb once per day, so long as he is inside the boundary of his sanctified march. His caster level is equal to twice the character's Luiren marchwarden level.

Commune with March (Sp): Beginning at 5th level, a marchwarden can gather information about her entire march once per day as if he had cast the commune with nature spell.

Hide in Plain Sight (Ex): At 5th level, within the confines of his march, a marchwarden can use the Hide skill even while being observed.


Level BAB Fort Ref Will March Bonus Special
1st +1 +2 +2 +0 +2 Sanctify march, detect evil
2nd +2 +3 +3 +0 +2 Share march bonus, easy trail
3rd +3 +3 +3 +1 +3 Safe clearing
4th +4 +4 +4 +1 +3 Dispel evil, land womb
5th +5 +4 +4 +1 +4 Commune with march, hide in plain sight

Class skills

Skill name Key ability Trained only Armor check penalty
Climb STR no yes
Concentration CON no no
Craft INT no no
Handle Animal CHA yes no
Heal WIS no no
Hide DEX no yes
Jump STR no yes
Knowledge (geography) INT yes no
Knowledge (local) INT yes no
Knowledge (nature) INT yes no
Listen WIS no no
Move Silently DEX no yes
Profession WIS yes no
Ride DEX no no
Search INT no no
Spot WIS no no
Survival WIS no no
Swim STR no yes
Use Rope DEX no no

Spells for Luiren Marchwarden