Combat Trapsmith
(Complete Scoundrel variant, p. 34)
Combat trapsmiths can litter a battlefield or dungeon with devices of their own cunning design.
Hit die
Skill points
6 + Int
Class Features
Combat Trapping (Ex): You know how to create combat traps to aid your allies. At 1st level, you can learn two traps from the list below, provided you meet the prerequisites. At each level thereafter, you add one additional trap to your repertoire, to a maximum of six traps known. Whenever you attain a new level in this class, you can choose to replace any one previously learned trap with a new trap.
Trap Name (Craft DC) | Prerequisites | Effect |
Befuddler (15) | — | —2 penalty on Concentration, Int-, Wis-, Cha-based checks |
Enfeebler (15) | Craft (alchemy) 1 rank | Fatigues target |
Entangler (17) | Class level 2nd | Entangles target |
Equalizer (17) | Class level 2nd | Target falls prone |
Flashbang (19) | Craft (alchemy) 3 ranks, class level 3rd | Blinds and deafens target |
Footspiker (15) | — | Halves target's speed |
Glitterburst (15) | Craft (alchemy) 1 rank | Makes invisible target visible |
Scorcher (15) | Craft (alchemy) 1 rank | Deals 2d6 fire damage |
Scorcher, great (23) | Craft (alchemy) 5 ranks, class level 5th | Deals 5d6 fire damage in larger area |
Sleeper (21) | Craft (alchemy) 4 ranks, class level 4th | Target falls asleep |
Spiderweb (19) | Craft (alchemy) 3 ranks, class level 3rd | Web fills small area |
Stinkburst (21) | Craft (alchemy) 4 ranks, class level 4th | Stinking cloud fills trapped square |
A combat trap is triggered by any Tiny or larger creature entering the trapped square. Flying or incorporeal creatures don't trigger combat traps. You can build a combat trap only on solid ground – you can't place it on a wall orceiling, in the air, or floating in the water. A combat trap functions only once. Once set, it lasts for 1 hour or until triggered, whichever comes first.
Crafting a combat trap requires a full-round action (which provokes attacks of opportunity) and a Craft (trapmaking) check. Each trap's entry lists the required Craft check DC. If the check is successful, you can place the trap in any square adjacent to your space. A failed check means that the action and materials are wasted to no effect, but you can try to set the same trap again later. Some combat traps allow a saving throw, as noted in a trap's entry. The save DC is 10 + your combat trapsmith level + your Int modifier. Locating or disabling a combat trap requires a successful Search or Disable Device check with a DC equal to 20 + your combat trapsmith level + your Int modifier. You can automatically find and disable your own combat traps. Because a combat trap is built quickly and crudely, it is also possible to discern with a successful Spot check (using the same DC as given above), whether or not the observer has the trapfinding class feature. All combat traps produce extraordinary effects, so dispel magic or spell resistance cannot interfere with them.
Unless otherwise noted, an ongoing effect from a combat trap lasts for a number of rounds equal to your combattrapsmith level. Multiple effects from the same kind of combat trap don't stack; use only the longer duration. Creating combat traps requires a special kit containing raw materials and tools. A combat trapsmith's kit costs 100 gp, weighs 10 pounds, and provides components sufficient to create ten traps. A combat trap can't be cannibalized for raw materials, nor can its materials be retrieved if the trap isn't triggered.
Trap Sense (Ex): Beginning at 1st level, you become more adept at evading the effects of traps. See the barbarian class feature, PH 26. If you already have trap sense, this class feature provides no additional benefit.
Skill Focus: At 2nd level, you gain Skill Focus (Craft [trapmaking]) as a bonus feat. If you already have this feat, you can instead select any other feat for which you meet the prerequisite.
Improvised Materials (Ex): Beginning at 4th level, you can craft combat traps from raw materials at hand instead of relying on your combat trapsmith's kit. Doing so increases the Craft (trapmaking) check DC by 5 but otherwise has no effect on the trap's potency.
Expert Trapsetter (Ex): At 5th level, you can set a combat trap as a standard action without provoking attacks of opportunity.
Combat Trap Descriptions
Entering the trapped square produces the stated effect.
Befuddler: A pungent spray applies a —2 penalty on Concentration checks, as well as ability checks and skill checks based on Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma (Will negates).
Enfeebler: A puff of acrid powder renders the target fatigued (Fortitude negates).
Entangler: A hidden cord loops around the target, holding it in place as a tanglefoot bag does. A successful Reflex save negates the effect; alternatively, a DC 20 Strength or Escape Artist check (made as a full-round action) allows the stuck creature to break free.
Equalizer: The first creature entering the trapped square must succeed on a Reflex save or fall prone. The trap reputedly gets its name from its gnome inventor, who used it to bring taller foes down to his level.
Flashbang: The trapped square emits a blinding burst of light accompanied by a loud thunderclap. Any creature in the trapped square or any adjacent square becomes blinded and deafened; a successful Fortitude save lessens the effect to dazzled.
Footspiker: This trap effectively fills the designated square with caltrops, potentially slowing the target's movement (PH 126).
Glitterburst: A fine cloud of silver dust clings to any creature within the trapped square (no save). Any creature affected by a glitterburst trap takes a —20 penalty on Hide checks and, if invisible, is visibly outlined for the duration of the effect.
Scorcher: The trapped square releases a cloud of fine dust followed by a spark, setting off a small explosion that deals 2d6 points of fire damage to each creature in that square (Reflex half).
Scorcher, Great: This works like a scorcher trap (see above), except that it deals 5d6 points of fire damage to each creature in the trapped square and in all adjacent squares (Reflex half).
Sleeper: A slumber-inducing vapor makes the target fall asleep. A successful Fortitude save lessens the effect to fatigued.
Spiderweb: The trapped square releases a burst of sticky tendrils that toughen when they contact air. This trap duplicates the effect of a web spell, except that the strands fill only the trapped square and all adjacent squares.
Stinkburst: A cloud of noxious vapors duplicates the effect of a stinking cloud spell, except that the effect fills only the trapped square. A successful Fortitude save negates the effect, but a creature must make a new saving throw each round it remains within the cloud.
Level | BAB | Fort | Ref | Will | Special | Combat Traps Known |
1st | +0 | +2 | +2 | +0 | Combat trapping, trap sense +1 | 2 |
2nd | +1 | +3 | +3 | +0 | Skill Focus (Craft [trapmaking]) | 3 |
3rd | +2 | +3 | +3 | +1 | Trap sense +2 | 4 |
4th | +3 | +4 | +4 | +1 | Improvised materials | 5 |
5th | +3 | +4 | +4 | +1 | Expert trapsetter, trap sense +3 | 6 |
Class skills
Skill name | Key ability | Trained only | Armor check penalty |
Appraise | INT | ||
Balance | DEX | ||
Climb | STR | ||
Concentration | CON | ||
Craft | INT | ||
Disable Device | INT | ||
Escape Artist | DEX | ||
Hide | DEX | ||
Jump | STR | ||
Knowledge (architecture and engineering) | INT | ||
Listen | WIS | ||
Move Silently | DEX | ||
Open Lock | DEX | ||
Profession | WIS | ||
Search | INT | ||
Spot | WIS | ||
Tumble | DEX | ||
Use Rope | DEX |