Cleric level 1 spells

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Spell name Spell School V S M AF DF XP Rulebook name Edition
Protection from Possession Abjuration yes yes yes no yes no Ghostwalk Supplementals (3.0)
Protection from Winged Flyers Abjuration yes yes yes no yes no Shining South Forgotten Realms (3.5)
Protective Interposition Conjuration yes yes no no yes no The Forge of War Eberron (3.5)
Ray of Hope Enchantment yes yes no no no no Book of Exalted Deeds Supplementals (3.5)
Ray of Resurgence Evocation yes yes no no no no Lost Empires of Faerun Forgotten Realms (3.5)
Reaving Aura Necromancy yes no no no no no Complete Mage Supplementals (3.5)
Regenerate Light Wounds Conjuration yes yes no no no no Masters of the Wild: A Guidebook to Barbarians, Druids, and Rangers Supplementals (3.0)
Remove Fear Abjuration yes yes no no no no Player's Handbook v.3.5 Core (3.5)
Resist Planar Alignment Abjuration yes yes no no yes no Planar Handbook Supplementals (3.5)
Resist Planar Alignment Abjuration yes yes no no yes no Spell Compendium Supplementals (3.5)
Resurgence Abjuration yes yes no no yes no Complete Divine Supplementals (3.5)
Resurgence Abjuration yes yes no no yes no Spell Compendium Supplementals (3.5)
Rosemantle Abjuration yes yes no no no no Magic of Faerun Forgotten Realms (3.0)
Sacrificial Skill Enchantment yes yes yes no no no Book of Vile Darkness Supplementals (3.0)
Sanctuary Abjuration yes yes no no yes no Player's Handbook v.3.5 Core (3.5)
Scholar's Touch Divination yes yes yes yes no no Races of Destiny Supplementals (3.5)
Scramble True Position Conjuration yes yes no no no no Tome of Magic Supplementals (3.5)
Sea Legs Transmutation yes yes no no no no Shining South Forgotten Realms (3.5)
Shield of Faith Abjuration yes yes yes no no no Player's Handbook v.3.5 Core (3.5)
Shivering Touch, Lesser Necromancy yes yes no no no no Frostburn Supplementals (3.5)

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